Liven up food safety training – ebook

My new version of the all time classic is in production now! If you have any particular ideas you want to share, I will consider including them if they aren’t already in!

Original title – 107 ways to liven up food safety courses – who knows what the new one will be called!!!

Expected launch February 2024

Sign up to the wordpress blog at if you want to be notified when its out.

PS Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas everybody!

So where has 2023 gone? Its been an inspiring year, as we got back to some ‘proper’ face to face training.

At the same time the online world continued to develop, so we are now in a truly hybrid space!

I am grateful to all those who continued to communicate through twitter, facebook, the online forums, and those who have followed my online blog at wordpress.

Let’s look forward to another year of growth and innovation.

Best wishes


A great day out with Food Allergy Aware!

How great it was to get back to real live conferencing at this mock trial event in the midlands yesterday!

A good array of speakers filled the morning, too many to name check here, and in the afternoon we were invited into the courtroom to see how a real trial could unfold.

As usual the networking proved to be the added bonus, meeting friends and colleagues old and new, and speaking with exhibitors. I am certainly now intrigued to consider how me might develop our own mock trial exercise for level 4 courses.

It was also a very useful perspective to see how things have progressed, (or not?), since I was involved in developing and rolling out the training for enforcement officers in 2014-15 for the Food Standards Agency.

I made three new contacts, locked friendly horns with an e-learning provider, tried a vegan burger for lunch, and even came away with a goody bag. And someone called me a rock and roll star of food safety! I ask you??

And not to forget all the hard work involved in putting together such a useful event – been there, done that and got the T-shirt so I know how much work and stress is involved! Well done to Caroline and her team – and thanks to everyone involved.

A Food Safety poem for Friday

Food safety, a must to prevent illness
It is a way to be healthy and well

To keep food safe, follow the rules
Keep it cold to prevent bacteria pools

Cleanliness is a must, start to finish
Wash hands before and after every dish

Store food in the fridge and away from any bugs
And keep raw food separate to not spread any germs

Cook food at the right temps, avoid any doubt
And always throw away food that’s left out

Food safety is key, to keep all of us safe
Follow the rules and reduce health risk

No one wants to get sick, so take the right steps
Keep food safe and with no regrets

and yes, of course, written entirely by AI!!!!!

Allergen Bingo!

Here we go – world’s first outing of allergen bingo – loads of ways of playing this! Today’s session is a short slot on a level 2 course, so it’s just at awareness level as they will be doing the full allergens training shortly. Can’t wait to see how it goes!

Notice that these cards include all 25 specific named allergens as required by UK legislation. Comments welcome as always.

Deja vu – inspired by face to face all over again

Now I am back to delivering face to face training again, I am re-discovering just what makes this engagement ‘in the room’ so inspiring. A recent level 3 Health and Safety course (CIEH) gave me the chance to roll out an old favourite – the responsibilities mind map.

So here it is reproduced for anyone to use, to engage their learners in understanding just how many personnel are involved in the health and safety of equipment operation.

Each branch can be expanded to list out the key responsibilities of the particular individual/team

This can be used to teach… teamwork, legal duties, communication, training, authorisation etc.

And other topics can go in the central idea area, such as slips and trips, noise, or even stress (that’ll be a good one!)

Of course, its ideal if the learners map this out themselves, but here is a trainer’s cheat sheet to help!

Creative training techniques for online and face to face – getting back, moving on and building better courses.

There can’t be any trainer who hasn’t reflected over the last two years about where training might go both personally and generally in the world of work.

It’s been a tough and sad time, and many trainers may have been hanging on, marking time, or just keeping going but without a sense of planning and direction we all used to take for granted. Some may have scaled back or even stopped, while some have diversified to new income streams.

However, there are signs that a new enthusiasm and necessity for training is emerging, even in the midst of another ‘crisis’.

So, my contribution will be to fire up the creative training arena, in the new context of online, face to face and blended approaches, but also including business and consultancy sustainability and growth.

So if you are a trainer, whether in house, or freelance, there will be something for you.

How will it work? I have the germs of ideas, but no fixed plan. I can make myself available on line virtually 24/7, and I am happy to arrange face to face meetings too. I am also happy to host and deliver 1 to 1 mentoring and training, and cost will always be secondary to value and support for those who want it.

Being selfish, I also expect to get some great ideas from interacting with colleagues, as all of us do.

So, there’s the pitch. I am forging ahead in my own business with some of these ideas – why not come along for the ride!!!

Email me if you want to get back, move on and build better courses!

Eager for face to face learning

Next week I have two more face to face (in the same physical space!) learning events to deliver. As we return, with some trepidation, to some normality, the last two years have enabled a careful reflection on learning events in our sectors.

For me there is now a new outlook, rather like an upgrade, on how I approach training requests from clients old and new alike.

I am taking into account now, just how much can a physical training day achieve, and how much of the content might be delivered differently.

For example, many of us, over many years of interaction with training colleagues, came to the conclusion that there was an art rather than science in the delivery of the one day course, which is still the bedrock of much physical space training.

But now I am starting to take account of how learning might be achieved in these brief and short lived ‘settings’, through a connected flow of interactions: pre course through surveys, e-learning and video tasters, through the physical training and facilitation day, onto post course reflections and further interactions, mentoring or group coaching, and ending with validation, certification, and/or accreditation.

When our clients simply say how excited they are to be attending physical training again, we ask them why would that be. The commonest answer is not that its the best type of training per se, its just that they are aching to get ‘back’ to that direct connection and close learning community with human interaction.

They deserve our best efforts to avoid the compulsion to just ‘flip a switch’ and go back to how it was before, and instead deliver a ‘step change’ experience in the training room and beyond.

More to share next time around!

Dear friends and colleagues…keep training!!!